Thursday, March 24, 2005


I guess expect the unexpected in the most unlikely of places... In very exciting news, I played ultimate yesterday with a group of mostly UN/OSCE people who have been playing here for a few years. I was definitely out of practice, but felt right at home since the game was informal and most of the people had only played for the first time in Kosovo. Besides, the field they use, located a few minutes drive from the centre of Pristina, is super funny - it's about one third the length of a regular field, entirely enclosed with a fence and a netted ceiling, and is made of Astroturf. But I guess you take what you can get around here :) Anyway, I know I'll be looking forward to my Wednesday evenings from now on.

In other not so exciting news, I made the mistake of getting my hair cut on the weekend. Oy. It's fairly horrendous (or shall I say butchered?), but also it's just hair and I'll survive. The bizarre part, though, is that it wasn't a language barrier problem; the lady who did it had actually lived in Victoria for several years. Apparently, she just couldn't grasp the concepts of "layer", "shape," and "round" and, after using those, I was totally at a loss for words to describe what I wanted. It seems the pictures I showed her, too, were of no help. But what can you do? I have faith that the experience was not a reflection of all hairdressers in Kosovo, and I'm just trying to work up the nerve to try again soon...this time somewhere else...

On the way home, I made up for the disaster by buying myself beautiful flowers...white lilies. Being close to Holland does have its perks, and I truly believe that the availability of nice cut flowers is one of Pristina's saving graces. With so much concrete around here, and especially until the trees get their leaves back, I find you really just need colourful living things to reflect the sunlight sometimes.

Otherwise, for the moment, that's all the news that fit to print. I'm finding that, as time goes on and as my life becomes more routine, it has become more difficult to recognize new things to write about. So forgive me for that, and I'll try to spice it up again soon.


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