Saturday, January 29, 2005


So, I've arrived in Pristina, and have much to tell, but don't have much time to
I guess every great adventure must begin with its own adventure... mine was the challenge of even getting here, as I fell very ill the minute I stepped onto the airport express bus from oxford to the airport. Maybe it was not sleeping for three days (ie. travel sickness) or maybe it was the stress of not knowing what was to come, but likely both. But let's just say that I felt worse than I did in toronto with a little norwalk virus! I'm still feverish, which has made it difficult to really pay attention to life in pristina. But here are the basics...

The theatre staff are nice and young, and I hope that soon we will become better friends. And, just for a few days,there are three British actors here to do workshops, and it has been comforting to have other non-locals around. I am staying for the next few days at the director's flat, but hopefully we will find something more permanent. I'm not sure if I'll be able to live with anyone else, which I would like more than living by myself, but we'll see.

hmm... the food is very eastern european, with mostly meat, and beans, and tomato salads as feared. But I haven't been able to eat since I've arrived, and will need to try things out later.

otherwise, I should go, though I have much more that's intersting -- my impressions of the city, the people, and the work -- but I must run now. Take care. I'll try to do the same.


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